Sonam Kapoor is currently enjoying the most amazing phase of their lives these days as she is all set to embrace parenthood with her husband and businessman Anand Ahuja. The couple made an official announcement on their social media. Now, the actress’s brother-actor Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor talked about his sister’s pregnancy and also requested that people should give the parents-to-be ‘privacy.’ In a recent chat with India Today, the actor said that it’s a very intimate and personal experience for the actress and her husband.
Further, he added that he thinks it’s ‘nice’ that everybody wants to know about his sister Sonam because she is a ‘big personality. He also believes that they should be given some space during this time. “Everybody wants to share that happiness. But also, I think it’s a very intimate and personal experience for the two people and it would also be important to respect their privacy in a way.” Harsh said, “I think when you love someone and they’re producing someone that you love, it’s kind of sacred. It’s not to prove anything to anybody or it’s not for the world. It’s for you. So, it would be nice to kind of give them that space as well.”
Meanwhile, Harsh Varrdhan is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film, Thar, which also features his father Anil Kapoor, Fatima Sana Shaikh, and Satish Kaushik in the lead. The film releases on Netflix on 6 May. It marks the directorial debut of Raj Singh Chaudhary and is produced by Anil Kapoor Film Company (AKFC).