News Technology

BBC Brings Back Shortwave Radio Broadcasts in Russia

The move comes as Russia restricts access to the BBC’s websites.

Bree Fowler 

The BBC‘s shortwave radio broadcasts are back in parts of Russia and Ukraine, as Russia moves to block the British media outlet’s websites within its borders.

The two new shortwave frequencies are broadcasting four hours of news in English each day and can be picked up clearly in Kyiv and parts of Russia.

“It’s often said truth is the first casualty of war,” BBC Director-General Tim Davie said in a statement. “In a conflict where disinformation and propaganda is rife, there is a clear need for factual and independent news people can trust — and in a significant development, millions more Russians are turning to the BBC.”

“We will continue giving the Russian people access to the truth, however we can,” Davie said.

According to The Guardian, Russia began restricting access to BBC websites hours after the UK broadcaster brought the shortwave radio service. 

In the wake of its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has also reportedly blocked access to Facebook and Twitter, as well as to the Apple and Google app stores.

The Guardian noted that the BBC shortwave broadcast can be located at 15735KHz from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ukraine time (8 a.m. to 10 a.m. PT) and on 5875KHz from midnight to 2 a.m., Ukraine time (2 p.m. to 4 p.m. PT).

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