News Politics

House votes to sanction Russia, ban energy imports over Ukraine invasion

Andrew Solender

The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed legislation to sanction Russia for invading Ukraine.

Driving the news: The vote was overwhelmingly bipartisan, passing 414-17 and marks the first time since Russia began amassing troops on the Ukrainian border that either chamber of Congress has moved on a sanctions package.

  • The vote bodes well for the bill’s chances in the Senate, where it needs some GOP support to overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold.

The details: The bill includes a ban on Russian energy imports and allows the Biden administration to sanction Russian officials implicated in human rights abuses.

  • It also directs the U.S. trade representative to “use the voice and influence” of the U.S. to push for Russia to be suspended from the World Trade Organization.

The backdrop: Lawmakers in both parties were left grumbling when the White House intervened to gut key provisions of the bill.

  • The original bipartisan deal, struck by committee leaders in both chambers, would have empowered the U.S. to raise tariffs on imports from Russia and Belarus.
  • The White House also undercut the bill’s embargo of Russian oil products by making that move themselves on Tuesday.

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