The festival of colours is around the corner, and everyone has already made up their plans of celebrating the day. Even our Bollywood stars are all set to celebrate the festival with their families and friends. Amid the preparations, the paparazzi today spotted Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the airport. Just a few days ahead of Holi, the power couple jetted off to an unknown destination with their daughter Aaradhya. Cameras went cricket-click as soon as the family arrived at the Mumbai airport. On arrival, Aishwarya Rai greeted the paparazzi and extended her heartfelt wishes for Holi. The media personnel thanked the actress and also wished the family back.
In the photographs, Aishwarya was seen donning a stunning black airport attire, while Abhishek Bachchan opted for a grey tracksuit with a hoodie. Little Aaradhya was dressed up in a yellow hoodie over black track pants. The family of three wore sports shoes for a comfortable journey. They also followed the COVID-19 guidelines and kept their masks on at the airport.
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Meanwhile, on the professional front, Abhishek Bachchan was last seen in the 2021 release Bob Biswas. He will next be seen in Dasvi. The film will also star Yami Gautam Dhar and Nimrat Kaur in the lead alongside Abhishek. The actor recently revealed the first look and announced that the trailer will be out on March 23. Whereas, Aishwarya will next be seen in Ponniyin Selvan. Jointly bankrolled by Mani Ratnam and Lyca Productions, this project will feature a background score by the music maestro A.R. Rahman.