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Republicans Cheney and Kinzinger slam GOP, Trump over Ukraine crisis

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) called out fellow House Republicans on Tuesday for criticizing President Biden’s response to Russia invading Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) criticized former President Trump, saying by calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a genius, he “aids our enemies.”

Driving the news: House Republicans tweeted a screenshot of Biden walking away with the comment: “This is what weakness on the world stage looks like.”
What he’s saying: Kinzinger retweeted the post with the comment: “As still ‘technically’ a member of house Republicans, let me, with all my might, condemn this damn awful tweet during this crisis. You can criticize policy but this is insane and feeds into Putins narrative. But hey, retweets amirite?”
Flashback: The Republican National Committee censured Kinzinger and Cheney earlier this month for serving on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated with comment from Cheney.

Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger during a December Capitol Hill meeting. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

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